Riuscire a scorgerla è il segreto di una vita appassionata.
mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009
Léger comme le vent qui danse dans les arbres
Danse pour éblouir ton âme qui s'ennuie
Danse tant que tu peux danser
Danse autour de la terre
Pour ne plus porter sur ton dos
La mort et la misère
Et tu verras jaillir les sources souterraines
Et les torrents de joie qui coulent dans tes veines
Georges Moustaki
martedì 20 ottobre 2009
"bene!, Gucci è la mia marca preferita!"
io ovviamente già m'immaginavo una bella e consistente adesione a greenpeace da parte del giovane...
- Vuoi allora sostenere greenpeace?
- Ma... sono troppi soldi... sai, sono ancora a casa coi miei... alla mia famiglia non piace spendere soldi per queste cose!
certo, ovvio... non pecchiamo d'ottimismo, nè d'altruismo!
non sia mai
sabato 17 ottobre 2009
Human rights refer to the "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled."
domenica 13 settembre 2009
Not Emo Enough (Skunk Anansie Rock!)

i am just a rock'n'roll girl who thinks dari is a language.
sign the petition, dull mtv kid!
Lalla: "Ma come fanno [gli spettatori] a fare proprio tutto quello che gli chiedono dal palco?"
Jappy: "Lalla, è la MTV Generation!"
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dari - pagina di disambiguazione

pic by Simy
sabato 12 settembre 2009
cuando no tenga ni fé
tan profundos y acogedores
estuve mirando esta noche otra vez
No estoy sola,
pensamientos de libertad me acompañan
como músicos
caminando en la noche
Sonrisas alegres
se mezclan con una luna de plata,
que desde lejos
va aclarando tu cuerpo
aferrado a mis sueños.
giovedì 3 settembre 2009
3.13 La poésie est une pipe

connaissance des secrets de l'univers
qui nous permettrait d'agir sur les éléments.
[The aim of poetry would become acquiring familiarity with the secrets of the universe allowing us to act upon the elements]
...e quando non ci sentiamo un po' poeti, e poetesse???
lunedì 24 agosto 2009
lost in the supermarket
ALLÁ en los años mozos, fui cajero de banco.
Recuerdo, entre los clientes, a un fabricante de camisas. El gerente del banco le renovaba los préstamos por pura piedad. El pobre camisero vivía en perpetua zozobra. Sus camisas no estaban mal, pero nadie las compraba.
Una noche, el camisero fue visitado por un ángel. Al amanecer, cuando despertó, estaba iluminado. Se levantó de un salto.
Lo primero que hizo fue cambiar el nombre de su empresa, que pasó a llamarse Uruguay Sociedad Anónima, patriótico título cuyas siglas son: U.S.A. Lo segundo que hizo fue pegar en los cuellos de sus camisas una etiqueta que decía, y no mentía: Made in U.S.A. Lo tercero que hizo fue vender camisas a lo loco. Y lo cuarto que hizo fue pagar lo que debía y ganar mucho dinero.
da El libro de los abrazos, Eduardo Galeano
nota: in coda alla cassa del supermercato mi diletto spesso ad osservare -con non poco rammarico- le abitudini consumeristiche dei miei concittadini; poi qui in Italia è anche l'unico modo per dare un senso alla fila, chissà perché, sempre lunghissima.
martedì 18 agosto 2009
bordes, mujeres y nervios
lunedì 17 agosto 2009
some time sittin' on a sofa, sparkles of emotions smashing out of you
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
But that's why you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wavelength
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said all men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
And you want to travel blind
And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.
Now Suzanne takes your hand
And she leads you to the river
She is wearing rags and feathers
From salvation army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
There are children in the morning
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Suzanne holds the mirror
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For she's touched your perfect body with her mind
Leonard Cohen
allora facciamoci male. frenetiche ossessioni.
Come back to me again
And play your sad guitar
Don't you remember you told me
You loved me baby?
You said you'd be coming back
This way again baby
trascinante dolcezza venuta a travolgere le nostre soffocanti malinconie, lascia che il ricordo ondeggi soave fra l'amarezza dei miei pensieri, e svanisca poi nella distratta confusione della mia memoria
venerdì 14 agosto 2009
ah, la frase del giorno...
mi sento libero come un uccello
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
sabato 8 agosto 2009
potere e superbia?
"Non dobbiamo più sopportare, non possiamo più sopportare che sia l'unica tv pubblica del mondo che con i soldi di tutti attacca il governo". (e chi se non il nano?)
No morirà la flor de la palabra,
podrà morir el rostro oculto de quien la nombra hoy,
pero la palabra que vino desde el fondo de la historia y de la tierra, ya no podrà ser arrancada por la soberbia del poder.
venerdì 7 agosto 2009
Uruguay y Poesía
es fácil de arreglar
con sábanas qué bueno
sin sábanas da igual
ustedes cuando aman
calculan interés
y cuando se desaman
calculan otra vez
nosotros cuando amamos
es como renacer
y si nos desamamos
no la pasamos bien ...
da Ustedes y nosotros, Mario Benedetti
ah, les plagistes italiens...
"On pourra remarquer le retour des visiteurs italians toujours aussi souriants et amateurs de masse. Toujours en groupe: groupe de familles, couples et enfants, groupe de jeunes gens et jeunes filles etc. Il semblerait qu'on ne puisse pas concevoir un autre déplacement que groupé. Très "fashion victim", la belle italienne ne sépare pas de son string - elle aurait bien du mal d'ailleurs - alors que le bel italien arbore fièrement un couvre chef à la pirate scrutant avec beaucoup d'interet tout mouvement de la gente féminine..."
G-E-N-I-A-L !
source: 'Oh Happy days in Santa Ghjulia', Nice Matin
my new souvenir-bracelet !

il mio nuovo braccialetto fatto con la mappa di Sydney e dintorni trovata sotto l'aletta dell'agenda.
...diciamo che la precisione non è il mio forte ( forse era l'emozione ad esserlo ;D ), sono comunque soddisfatta del risultato: finalmente una maniera per dare vita alle vecchie cartine (fra tutte le altre varie cosucce) che trovi e poi non vuoi più buttare: sono un così bel ricordo!!!
idea scovata su:
altro sito interessante ( ma ce ne sono a centinaia, questo l'ho scelto per il nome :D )
giovedì 6 agosto 2009
it's gonna take soo looong
certamente questa non è una verità nascosta, ma il ripeterselo ogni tanto mi pare un esercizio utile e benefico dal quale si riescono a trarre non pochi vantaggi per affrontare la quotidianità, nel migliore dei mondi possibili, o quasi ;p
ps: inizio ad avvertire questa stanzialità come una sfida, a volte nella mente si fa minaccia che va a colpire dritta dritta il cuore, che batte impetuoso davanti all'ignoto: sono su un precipizio di sogni e di progetti
e mi sento scivolare.
aboriginal wisdom
when you're alive:
you can move!
from Kanyini
quoi devenir?
-Un curieux.
-C’est n’est pas un métier !
-Ce n’est pas encore un métier. Voyagez, écrivez, traduisez, apprenez à vivre partout. Commencez tout de suite. L’avenir est aux curieux de profession.
lunedì 3 agosto 2009
zeneizi de là de u ma
Genova, 3 ago. - (Adnkronos) - Skype gratuito ai liguri nel mondo, con le istruzioni in dialetto genovese. Per far parlare tra di loro, a costo zero, le quarantacinque associazioni dei liguri nel mondo la Regione Liguria ha scelto la tecnologia Skype ed ha gia' spedito agli utenti in Argentina, Cile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay e altri paesi dell'America Latina, in Usa e Canada in Nord America, a Sidney e Melbourne, in Australia e in diverse citta' europee, il kit con l'attrezzatura necessaria per usufruire del servizio: telefoni cordless, web cam e penne Usb. La presentazione e le istruzioni su come installare il software di Skype sono fatte anche attraverso un filmato, in lingua genovese, accompagnate da un messaggio video dal presidente Claudio Burlando e degli assessori Enrico Vesco e Giovanni Battista Pittaluga. E con il Coro Monte Bianco di Genova che intona ''Ma se ghe pensu'', la canzone di Mario Cappello da quasi un secolo simbolo della genovesita' e della Liguria nel mondo.
domenica 2 agosto 2009
KARMA COLA - drumming
"E' stato molto divertente, signore" disse l'omettino. "Ho appreso la mia arte a Benares. L'Unesco mi ha fatto venire qui per renderla popolare in Occidente. Spero vi abbia dato piacere."
from KARMA COLA - Il Supermarket del Misticismo Orientale by Gita Mehta
a festival, a synth and a heart-shaped testaieu
then you realize it is just an attempt to live the present;
project your self, be here now
you’re actually doing well,
puzzling out old and new stories mixing them up with the same old faces - looking nice and young though!
cheeky tricky operations to be accomplished by the end of the show …unfortunately? performing not even partially the predestined mission but lastly enjoying a loud and healthy laugh at that
feeling connected, belonging to a place, finally taking the courage of looking behind and moving forward with fresh new ease and great satisfaction
in the end it's just a matter of food, and shapes, and how big our hearts are
never ending perceptions
a colorful dot in the big picture has been painted, you can go further now, if you really want - but that’s another story
mercoledì 29 luglio 2009
re-trouvailles tasmaniennes

most probably at Narcissus Hut, on the 30th or 29th? of December, last night before taking the very-wet-walk-along-the-lake on the way back to Civilisation
Et bien, presqu'à la fin de la randonnée, je peux dire que je regrette très fort de ne pas avoir ramené mon appareil photo, pour pouvoir partager la poésie et la beauté de ce paysage tasmanien.
Les ambiances de conte de fées, nature qui dort, dans le brouillard, réagissante suelemt à la puissance du vent, résonnant sur notre chemin.
Les formes et les couleurs du bush sont douces et souples: jaune-orange, rond et mousseux.
Puis il y a les arbres, à la fois rares et gris, désormais morts. Ils se lèvent majestueux vers le ciel; ils sont solitaires, ou ils se serrent dans les branches(!) avec d'autres arbres, plus jeunes, ou encore, ils partagent leurs memes racines et comme des jumeaux ils se ressemblent et se dressent côte à côte, parfaitement symmetriques.
Dans les forets ils s'habillent en vert, avec les longs troncs couverts de mousse; sur les montagnes on peut apercevoir les restes argentés d'un passé floride. Sur les flancs des monts, passés ces cimetières de troncs et de rochers, soudainement on se retrouve au milieu de jardins secrets, dont on peut jouir d'ailleurs très souvent tout au long du chemin: petites fleurs blanches -comme celles des fraises- décorent les plantes... puis partout des graines, qui donnent joie à l'esprit du voyageur ainsi capable de supporter aisément la fatigue de la marche, entouré des couleurs rose et rouge brillantes des baies.
...It's a six day walk, travelling 65 kilometres through the heart of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area...
venerdì 17 luglio 2009
Dignity and love do not blend well, nor do they continue long together.
giovedì 16 luglio 2009
Benjamin Lee Whorf
lunedì 13 luglio 2009
*Soliloquace (!)
Sognatrice ... e Stanotte Senza Sonno!
giovedì 9 luglio 2009
domenica 5 luglio 2009
Blow O wind to where my loved one is.
Touch him and come touch me soon.
I'll feel his gentle touch through you
and meet his beauty in the moon.
These things are much for the one who loves.
One can live by them alone:
that he and I breathe the same air
and that the Earth we tread is one.
from the Ramayana
venerdì 26 giugno 2009
domenica 24 maggio 2009

Such people are surrounded by half-finished work and their desks are strewn with half-eaten food and old coffee cups. There are no family photos in the Squiggle's office and though to visitors their office may seem messy, to the Squiggle it is not because they usually know where most things are! If the Box person is chalk then the Squiggle is the proverbial cheese! Squiggles view themselves as being unique and challenging the "status quo". Some may even go to extremes to illustrate this.
The Squiggle can never go anywhere without carrying a lot of things and are usually flustered, harassed and in a hurry. They rarely finish a task and struggle immensely with routine work. This is not surprising given the fact that Squiggles undergo constant change and that they are very easily bored, requiring constant stimulation in both a personal and a professional capacity.
Upon the desk of your typical Squiggle will be a sea of self-adhesive notes which quite often spill over onto the floor below. The creative Squiggle may have one picture adorning the wall behind their desk but they probably never give it a second glance. Similarly, the curious Squiggle may purchase books on the most modern and exciting topics yet, rarely read them!
Squiggles often use phrases such as "Paperwork is a waste of time!", "I've got the best idea of all!" and "I don't take NO for a answer!" They also tend to be bad listeners because they are so eager to share their ideas with others. This can lead to complaints and ill-feeling from friends and colleagues. Squiggles tend to be the "idea producers" in society which may be partially attributed to the fact that they fantasize a lot. When they get excited about a project they can become very intense about it. They can also be quite volatile and as a result, are not especially good team-workers and are not really enthused about people in general.
the Squiggle person could be mistaken for being permanently in mourning as they are invariably attired in black. Following their creative streak, the Squiggle person probably enjoys arty films in their spare time, possibly even having membership of a film club.
Due to their lack of focus, Squiggle shapes are very useful for a firm to have around but they will probably never make it very far up the ranks. They do however have a razor-sharp wit and are the life and soul of the party - great people to be around. They can however, be rather embarrassing at times and can be labeled as a 'weirdo' by those who do not understand them.
Squiggles may be the type of people who find their niche in Web-design and development, thus fully taking advantage of the creative facet of their nature.
and even more...
Shape Personality Type Profile
At work: You are a true change agent. You get bored doing repetitive, routine work. You need variety in your work that allows you to "switch gears" often. Since you are primarily a right-brained thinker, you see the "big picture" and are more interested in "Why" than in "How".You are not detail-oriented; you are conceptual, creative, and intuitive. You are the idea person on the team. You love to brainstorm solutions to complex problems and you are very good at this. You are bright and a quick-thinker. In fact, it's difficult for you to "turn off your brain"--even in sleep. You often awaken at night when pondering over a work problem.
Personally, you are totally up-front, honest, and outspoken in your communication. You have an endearing "childlike" quality that draws others to you. You cannot tell a lie. You are very spontaneous and will say whatever is on your mind, even if it is not "politically correct." Because you are critical of upper management, you will be an individual contributor.
Your saving grace is your quick-witted sense of humour. However, when riled, you can be extremely sarcastic. Although you can deliver a brilliant performance when you are challenged, you can also be very disorganized, erratic, and undependable. You dislike paperwork and all forms of rules and regulations that you consider result from a management need to "control." Your desk looks like a hurricane hit it and you have paper strewn all over the floor.
However, you know where everything is, so it doesn't bother you. You are often late to meetings (if you come at all), and colleagues have learned not to trust you. You often feel isolated at work.
Your work habits are poor, but others forgive you and call you the "brilliant weirdo" in the back office. You prefer totally casual clothes and would wear your pyjamas to work if you could get away with it. You have a "flare for the dramatic" and love bright colours and large patterned fabrics. You are very "arty" and love avant garde theatre, art and music.
At leisure: What leisure? You are very project-oriented, both at work and at home. You work full-throttle, day and night, until you become bored. You may have many half-completed projects lying around. Somewhere in the mess is a brilliant innovation that could make you a millionaire, but you can't seem to get organized enough to find it. You are likely to live alone unless you find that perfect "Circle" person who will put up with your eccentric behaviour.
Talking straight...
Lately, you have NOT been yourself! Something has happened, causing you to question yourself. You are going through a difficult period right now. Your choice of the Rectangle indicates that you are in transition. You are experiencing great internal changes. You may feel that the old ways of behaving (as described above) are not working for you anymore. But...you do not yet know how to fix the problem. You are searching, questioning, exploring and generally feeling confused and frustrated.
Everyone experiences Rectangular periods in their lives. There is usually an identifiable cause. Some event/person/situation has provoked these feelings in you. Typically, the Rectangle emerges within us when a critical life event occurs; i.e. job change, relocation, promotion/demotion, marriage, divorce, loss of child/parent, physical accident/illness. You are forced to cope with this new life circumstance.
The Good News is that this period of stress and change will pass...it is temporary! And, when you come out at the other end of the tunnel, you will be a better person for it; you will be more sensitive and tolerant of others. These are admirable qualities that your Squiggle is often lacking!
Today's TIP!...
Enjoy this period of personal growth! Step outside of yourself today and take a look at the new person you are becoming. This is EXCITING!
domenica 10 maggio 2009
sabato 9 maggio 2009
"Travellers are a special breed of people..."
gerar toye - globalgypsy.com
mercoledì 29 aprile 2009
Incontri tibetani a Trastevere :-)

Lama Dam chhoi
Associazione Culturale ‘’ALBA D’oriente’’ (Mandala Tibet)
Mostra e Vendita di Mandala, di Oggetti Sacri Rituali
Seminari e lezioni sulla Tecnica di Pittura, sul Significato Simbolico ed Universale dei Mandala
Incontri di Meditazione al Suono delle Campane Tibetane
Corsi e Informazioni sul Massaggio Himalayano per l’armonia Biopsichica
Mantra Chakra Yoga Mudra
martedì 28 aprile 2009
mercoledì 22 aprile 2009
once again, i got lost in transition
this limbo in which i feel blind every time i come back.
in these days of indolent void only two things are certain:
my best friend is definitely a book
still, my worst enemy is cellulitis
tomorrow i'm off to rome, capital city of italy man, visiting some good ol'friends.
rocking the confusion away, letting pervade the spirit with the deep vibrations of ben harper's sweet and painful voice, ka-ka boum!
it's great to have a little tiny happy buddha on the desk, if only i could see it more often through the mountains of books i surrounded myself during the nearly-a-month-now after my arrival from the australasian side of the world.
it's raining again, the tan has gone, i need waves
-big rumbling angry ocean waves
there are no waves in the mediterranean sea, it's kind of boring, it's like been in front of a big lake... just like in Taupo... 'the size of Singapore, meine Damen und Herren'
it's beautiful, absolutely stunning, but not as dramatically passionate as the ocean can be
i go to bed
and i hope this stream of consciousness will follow me into my dreams tonight.
lunedì 6 aprile 2009
enfin, je les ai retrouvés :D
Eh bien ! mêle ta vie à la verte forêt !
Escalade la roche aux nobles altitudes.
Respire, et libre enfin des vieilles servitudes,
Fuis les regrets amers que ton coeur savourait.
Dès l'heure éblouissante où le matin paraît,
Marche au hasard ; gravis les sentiers les plus rudes.
Va devant toi, baisé par l'air des solitudes,
Comme une biche en pleurs qu'on effaroucherait.
Cueille la fleur agreste au bord du précipice.
Regarde l'antre affreux que le lierre tapisse
Et le vol des oiseaux dans les chênes touffus.
Marche et prête l'oreille en tes sauvages courses ;
Car tout le bois frémit, plein de rhythmes confus,
Et la Muse aux beaux yeux chante dans l'eau des sources.
(Les Cariatides, 1842)
Théodore de Banville
Je suis libre. L'espace immense est ma cuirasse;
Je possède à moi seul l'air vierge que j'embrasse;
Les arbres me saluent de leurs rameaux pliés,
Et le vent vagabond vient me lécher les pieds.
Je ne suis plus un être englué dans sa race,
Et j'ai cassé les clous qui me rivaient l'esprit.
Et je montre aux rochers, aux feuilles, aux écorces,
L'homme, écume d'argent qui couvre et qui fleurit
Le ruissellement noir des forces.
J'ai repris l'attitude auguste et naturelle
Du vivant qui résume et complète la vie;
Les herbes, à genoux devant moi, glorifient
Mon âme solitaire élargissant ses ailes.
Je brandis mon vouloir et mes poings sans heurter
La muraille, l'idéee ou la chair défendue;
Ma conscience unique éclaire l'étendue,
Et mon isolement me fait illimité.
(La Vie unanime, 1926)
Jules Romains
venerdì 3 aprile 2009
domenica 8 marzo 2009
venerdì 16 gennaio 2009
de nouvelle zelande
je ne sais pas trop quoi dire,
je vais peut etre essayer, au cas ou', de faire une ptite fofolie; a' voir
heureusement j'aime bien marcher,
et a' la fois causer avec les gens.
nostalgie de tasmanie, et de ses animaux rigolots
je crois que je cherche l'amour, mais plus je bouge, plus j'ai envie de bouger, j'attends en fait qu'on me retienne, ou que l'on me suive :P
j'aurais en fait au moins envie de pouvoir dire au revoir
ou bonjour
je commence a' penser que j'ai l'air assez jeune, vu l'age des gens dont je m'entoure ces derniers jours
lunedì 5 gennaio 2009
that loneliness won't leave you alone
irraggiungibili lacrime
che ho sparso sul mio lungo cammino;
ma d'improvviso, in questa notte grigia e solitaria,
mi riportano il calore di serate di festa
e il mio pensiero torna a danzare
al suono dei flauti e dei mandolini
...pensieri lacustri...
laberinto de sensaciones
restos de memorias pasadas
se funden con la niebla
dejan espacio a colores de nuevas esperanzas
ligeras plantas
dibujadas entre las rocas